فوری / اولین نظر رسمی خامنه ای در مورد جانشینش / خودم معرفی می کنیم

Regarding Mojtaba’s own capacity to run for the presidency, it should be said that Khamenei has always refused to introduce him as such, and even if such a thing is his ultimate goal, he knows that announcing it publicly could cause many problems. One of the reasons for his refusal is that Mojtaba is so unpopular and controversial that considering him as his successor could lead to an unpleasant power struggle. Mojtaba’s inexperience in governing is also to his detriment. Most importantly, naming his son Khamenei as his successor could cause irreparable damage to the legitimacy of the House of Leaders, thereby weakening the central institution of government and jeopardizing the very existence of the entire political system. After all, the struggle to overthrow the Shah’s hereditary monarchy was one of the greatest achievements of the 1979 revolution, which, in the eyes of the nomenclature or its loyal revolutionaries and staunch followers, identified the newborn regime. If the Islamic Republic allows hereditary succession, it will be like the Arab monarchies across the Persian Gulf, which Khomeini and his followers have stubbornly rejected for years.

Regarding Mojtaba’s own capacity to run for the presidency, it should be said that Khamenei has always refused to introduce him as such, and even if such a thing is his ultimate goal, he knows that announcing it publicly could cause many problems. One of the reasons for his refusal is that Mojtaba is so unpopular and controversial that considering him as his successor could lead to an unpleasant power struggle. Mojtaba’s inexperience in governing is also to his detriment. Most importantly, naming his son Khamenei as his successor could cause irreparable damage to the legitimacy of the House of Leaders, thereby weakening the central institution of government and jeopardizing the very existence of the entire political system. After all, the struggle to overthrow the Shah’s hereditary monarchy was one of the greatest achievements of the 1979 revolution, which, in the eyes of the nomenclature or its loyal revolutionaries and staunch followers, identified the newborn regime. If the Islamic Republic allows hereditary succession, it will be like the Arab monarchies across the Persian Gulf, which Khomeini and his followers have stubbornly rejected for years.

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