"We have no diplomatic relations at the moment," White House spokesman Jen Saki said Monday in response to remarks by President-elect Seyed Ibrahim Ra’isi that he had no plans to meet with US President Joe Biden, Reuters reported. We have no plans to meet with Iran or at the leadership level. Our view on this is that the Iranian leader is the decision-maker.
Reuters quoted Saki as saying that negotiators in Vienna had completed the sixth round of talks to revive the nuclear deal.
"There is a decision maker in this area and this has not changed and he is the leader of Iran," Yahoo News quoted a White House spokesman as saying. Therefore, we will try to advance this diplomatic negotiation, because it is in the interest of the United States and in the interest of our national security.
Saki’s remarks come after Ibrahim Ra’isi said at a news conference yesterday in response to a question from Russian media outlet Raffi, who asked if he was willing to meet with the US president if the sanctions were lifted.
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