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Hemmati also said in a live Instagram interview that current Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has agreed to be in his government if he wins.
The former head of the Central Bank of Iran, in a text addressed to the voters, called himself a "citizen candidate" who is running against the "powerful candidate" in the elections.
"If you do not vote, the very foundations of the republic will be jeopardized. If you do not vote, you will leave the right to self-determination to those who want to elect you president," he said.
Referring to the tensions of former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during his presidency, Mr. Hemmati told voters: "Do not forget the years 84 to 92 … Do not forget the years when the best young people in Iran were harmed. The years when everyone voted. "Do not forget to give regrets. Do not forget the years when everyone was looking for their lost votes."
In a letter to the Radio and Television of Iran, he also objected to the broadcast of Alireza Zakani’s propaganda program, despite his resignation in favor of Ibrahim Ra’isi.
During the debates, Mr. Hemmati called Mr. Zakani a "cover candidate" and a "bad cop."
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