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In the jump in the price of the dollar in 1372, in 1377 and more recently in the years 90 and 91, and finally in the jump in the price of 200% of the dollar in 97, we saw that with a break of a year or less, stock prices and real estate jumped. So any stock analyst pays serious attention to the growth of liquidity and the price of the dollar, and whether the sharp jumps that occurred in 1998 and 99 in the price of all assets have balanced the market for these assets or not?
For the year 1400, we can not expect special productivity in industry and production; Productivity does not show up quickly in the economy, and productivity improvement takes time. Therefore, the growth rate of Iran’s economy in 1400, as in many recent years, will depend on oil resources and income.
So the growth of the real sector of the Iranian economy is not rooted in innovation and productivity; Most important products, such as cars, are currency dependent, and sanctions will both reduce their supply and increase their prices. The gap between the returns of the real sector of the economy and the financial sector is serious. No matter how much liquidity is generated, much of it is spent on the financial sector of the economy, and the real sector of the economy remains thirsty for liquidity. One of the reasons for the formation of such a structure is the taxability of the productive sector of the economy and the non-payment of taxes for abnormal returns in the financial sector based on the maintenance of currency, gold, etc. Given that returns based on such assets are often not exposed to the tax system, individuals see no reason to participate in the country’s manufacturing sector. As a result, the country’s high liquidity leads to price destruction in any part of the country, but not in the manufacturing sector.
The resources hidden in real estate, currency, gold, etc., which are not productive at all, only deprive the resources of circulation in the productive sector of the country. This behavior (especially on land) attracts a lot of resources and deprives the production sector of liquidity. Even in 1400 we can not predict the situation differently. The policymaker does not introduce a package of measures that will lead us to a better path.
Different solutions have been tried to direct liquidity to production in Iran and different countries. Categories such as credit guidance, facility subsidies, credit rationing, mandatory facilities, quick return facility facilities, export bonuses, micro-purchase facilities for Iranian goods, productive credit certificates (steps) … None of this has been a solution, because Theoretically, we know that what determines the resources to circulate more in a productive activity or an economic sector is the risk and return of economic sectors. Using the tax mechanism is useful for allocating resources. In addition to the tax solution, other methods such as determining the minimum capital, allocating funds for the implementation of projects, issuing securities to finance production, domestic documentary credit or recent action of step securities are some of the strategies that can be effective in directing liquidity to housing production.
In 1999, 32 to 35 billion dollars worth of goods were imported into the country, of which 8 billion dollars were offered in the currency of 4200 Tomans. In 1400, even without Borjam, $ 50 billion in petroleum exports would be expected. The rise in oil prices has also happened. Expected exports are expected to average 1.5 million barrels per day in 1400 and increase in price from $ 40 per barrel to $ 60 (investment banks around the world forecast prices to stay above $ 60).